Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Buddies

Our Book Buddies are in Mrs. Gibbons 4th grade class. Once every 6 days, they come to read books and tell stories with us!

Everybody has a Book Buddy!

We read with our Book Buddies in Mrs. Forbes' Pre-K room.

Our Book Buddies read stories to us.

We love our Book Buddies!

A Day in Pre-K

Here's a look at what we do in Pre-K.

We work in dramatic play.

We work with puzzles.

We eat snack.

We swing.

We play on the playground.

We slide.

We play with Mr. Hughes!

We tell stories.

We cut and glue.

We write and draw.

We read books and rest.

We write stories.

We play house!

We work in the sand table.